Saturday, March 7, 2009

If SEO becomes pricey and PPC priceless

Well, you hear it correctly. Today I’m writing this post to gain some interesting facts if Search engine optimization which appears on google without paying anything to google becomes pricey and Pay per click marketing which is costly becomes priceless then what would be the scenario in the web and around those who are tech savvy.

Most of you will not be anticipating these crappy thought but suppose you think for once and a while that if we have to pay to google for seo and pay per click becomes free like seo then what changes will be there and what will you opt for seo then?

There are millions and billions website around the world but we know that mostly they are doing
seo rather than opting for ppc as most of them don’t have money to get ppc. Suppose if those millions who are there on web and doing seo to bring them traffic and increase their revenue then do they are willing to pay to google for appearing in search result and will they opt for pay per click with those small ads. It might be interesting to know.

If we have to pay to google for appearing on top of the search result then it might be very costly as there are millions of website and billions of organizations who want their website to be on top. Then there might be the highest bid would be around in millions per click. Then google will provide us with some software where we will manage our seo website fully like their description, title tags, meta tags, link building and many more.Then there might be no not might be possibly the small website owner will be dominated by this move as they will hardly or may be not getting any chance to appear on top.

We know that for every click we have to pay to google but what if pay per click will be revised and get new name like “free per click”. Then all the webmaster will work on adjusting new ads where they have to show their site description in those 35 characters and google will publish them on top considering factors like their quality score, ad relevancy etc. Then we can see that this pay per click ads is coming on every page where it is not possible for it to come.

Just thought for sometime how would it be if its happen what will be your reactions and how will you define your goal.


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