Saturday, June 6, 2009

“Google Squared” new product from Googles Lab

Google introduced a new product from their Googles Lab i.e “Google Squared” which according to them and by from all experts is that “it is a experimental tool which organize all your query in an organized manner and put them in rows and columns describing their facts and their features”.

Well, one cannot explain their pros and cons if they didn’t use it. I’ve tried it for my self for the word Ocean well I got some not so good info them. They produce rows with their Name which is nice their description also but then after their Class column for which most of their squared were empty and giving a sign “No value found” which is quite embarrassing as they should remove those or didn’t show up those squared for which they don’t have any fact or any value. The nice feature they have included is that by adding our own columns.

Well, google describe it is very good search engine but most of the review from experts are not in favour. So, they tend to make it more productive and more efficient so that it will gain upto an unlimited height.

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