Saturday, February 28, 2009

Website Designing Tips

Getting ready to design your website but don’t know how to break the ice. Well, definitely most of us will be looking for the net to get some ideas and tips on how to design a website so that they will attract the visitor. Here are some of the tips, which might be needed or very helpful to you.

Easy Navigation of website
Well, first of all the most important thing is to ask yourself why do people come to your website? What is the purpose of making this website etc.Visitors are looking of something which they thought your site will provide so give them their exact location or exact information they click on your website.

Don’t include flash
There are various websites who are using extensive and attractive flash to attract their visitor. But in normally you should not include flash unless it’s needed. Flash website take time in loading which irritate visitor and they will exit your website within a seconds. If you have a professional business then please make such website which looks professional and informative.

Color of the Website
Everyone had their own choice in putting the color but studies show that it has an individual effect on people’s emotions. So, try to put those colors which are not bright or dark but light and giving each page a fairly look.

Links of the Page
Even a fresher who is designing website know that each and every link of the page should be active and not be broken. Whenever a visitor click on a link it should arrived exactly that page for which the visitor is searching.

About us Page
Every website having a page of about it and us should be there. About us page stands to know about your company, services your are providing, when is your company commenced, and many more. Where visitor came to know about your existence and information they want.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Meta Tag Explanation

If you are searching for something like if you type “search engine optimization” on google then you will see a Blue Text Links comprising of what you type on google i.e called Title Tag and below that you will see with normal text some description i.e called Description Tag and below the link of URL of the website. While below I’ll explain you what these title tag, description tag and keyword tag which is not visible having relation with SEO.

Meta Title Tag :
Well, this is the most important tag because if you know google displays these title tag only with hyperlink to your url and therefore they play a very important role in maintaining your search result on top. You should make those title tag which are related to your business and unique, don’t write the same title tag again as it will cause you spamming.

Meta Description : This is second most important tag of your website as this tag will describe the services or functionality of your company. So, write carefully and describe fruitfully about your business and upto the limit. Please write those description which are related to your keyphrase so that google spider can cache it display it on top on serp.

Meta keywords :
These tags are not so much important but also very useful for describing your business. You should write only those keywords keywords who are searchable and having little bit traffic. Please don’t overstuff your keywords means don’t write the same keywords again and again. Overstuffing your keywords may harm your website.

Please search on google you will get more result for the same but with above method you can have atleast the basic concept of the meta tags.

Use of Sitemap

Sitemap is a link page where all the links of that website are given in one format so that when google spiders arrives they don’t have difficulty in finding the links and they can easily find each and every deep link of the website.

It is very compulsory for a website to have a sitemap. But most of the website today also are not aware of the benefits of sitemap and they remain low. If you have website of more than 100 or 1000 pages then you should make sitemap so that spiders can reach the bottom of your each page.

If you don’t know how to make sitemap then search about it on google and there are various tools available where you can make your sitemap i.e xml sitemap where you can make sitemap and submit the same in google analytics.

Content Writing for SEO

Well everybody who are related towards internet marketing and dealing in transactions for their business growth and making website so that they can increase their revenue through search engine optimization knows that CONTENT is the KING.

When search engines spider crawls they don’t cached your images or any flash but they eat out all your content because they are hungry of such content, which are fresh and unique. So, starting up your website and then writing content is not possible for a lay man because he don’t know the use of keywords which should be used for writing content and mentioning of links or any other things related to your business.

So hiring a professional content writer is the best option available to optimize your content and fitting the right description about your business into the website. Professional content writer knows how to write the content and how to use the key phrases within your content so that search engines will pulled you up in the search result.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

5 simple seo tips

Following are the simple seo tips for you to help and get traffic to your site.

1. Take out all keyphrases which is related to your business and sort them out to find the most compelling and most searchable keyphrases.

2. Make Meta Description of that keyphrases i.e title tag, description and keywords. Remember don’t stuff your keywords or don’t keep the same title on all the keyphrases.

3. Make HTML sitemap of your site and submit it in to google sitemap.

4. Submit your website in Directories which are do follow i.e dmoz, yahoo etc. and also in social media networking sites such as digg, reddit.

5. Start your blog and submit fresh and unique content to it so that google can cached it fast and ranked your website well in the result.

Brochure design service company

One of the best company to design brochures is none other than Web Designing India which pulls out every solution to design an extensive and compelling brochures which appeals to the customers and increase our revenue.

read more | digg story

How to choose the right seo firm?

Choosing the right seo firm is what might be the difficult task for most of the organization who want to do seo for their business.

There are several factors that need to be understand before you go to select the seo firm. Factors such as:-

Why is the need arise for seo?
What is good organic search or sponsored search?
What to select a firm or an individual for seo?
Who is my target audience?

These are the several questions that should be arise when you look for any seo firm. Well, after you clarified all the above questions then go ahead for selecting the best seo firm for your business.

If you go with selecting a seo firm then the first work would be to see that their website. How is their portfolio? What their client testimonial and many more things.

After surfing through all the possible page of that seo firm the next thing you should do is to ask several seo question to them. Communication plays an important part on the seo firm. If you communicate with them and they are responding you quickly then you will be pleased to find them whenever any questions arise of your website.

Well, CreativeWebPromotion is the company who stands perfectly to your needs. You can go through the website and be relaxed as the further work your business will be handled by them smoothly.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Page Rank: Advantages & Disadvantages

Google’s Co-founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed Page Rank as a part of their search engine interest. When they developed page rank they don’t even think that their creation will be highly praised.

In a simple term, page rank is a numeric value given to a website depending on the importance the web page has like their unique content, back links, site structure, anchor text and many more.

Advantages of Page Rank

You can view the page rank of a website in google toolbar displayed as Page Rank and below you can see the green color in small rectangular box when you take your mouse over to it you’ll view the actual page rank i.e 4/10 etc.

Well, the algorithm of the page rank is not known and it is secret. But while reading and probing further about the page rank you can point out that the page rank is depend on numerous factors such as content, back links, anchor text, site structure, external links, images, alt tags, optimization of the website, traffic of the website etc.

If a website having page rank of more than 3 then it is said to be good website. But if a website having page rank of more than 5 than the website is getting great traffic and the overall performance or the structure of website is good enough. With high page rank a website is usually seen on the top page of the SERP.

With more than 6 page rank most of the advantages of the website is that the Webmaster will request link exchange with those website and users tend to be interested in doing transactions with them. It acquires a reputation in the web world and it may further go beyond that page rank if the website is getting on a way like that before.

Disadvantages of Page Rank

Page Rank is good but sometimes it leaves a bad thoughts in the mind of people because if you’ll search on google most of the website are having low page rank i.e 2 or 3 or sometimes 0 and it is coming on top of the page of google.

Some organization or enterprises are very much interested in increasing their page rank instead of growing their business. It is a fact that with increase in page rank your business will not grow.

You should be concentrating more on the future growth of your company instead of your page rank because google updates page rank with a span of three to four months, which is usually seen.

Well the last update which google does on page rank is on the end of 2008 where most of the website whose page rank is 0 or 1 increased to 3 or 4 and others where having more than 5 or 6 decrease to 3 or 4.

Well, nobody understand the logic of google behind giving the rank to a website or what are they considering the most which according to them is best.

What is the use of Link Exchange?

Link Exchange is one of the best and effective way of optimizing or getting high page rank of your website.

Link Exchange is a way of exchanging links from other Webmaster by putting our site links and description on there and vice versa. The use of link exchanging is that when google’s bot crawl is will cache our site which can greatly enhanced our websites page rank.

But we should link exchanging with those websites which are similar to us and doing business in the same field. It is very beneficial for lots of website which are in business of exchanging links.

Links can be paid or free. Well, link exchange should be done with high page ranking site and whose content are similar. In search engine optimization link exchange plays an important part where as other techniques are also there you should not rely wholly on link exchange but make it a part to exchange links with other website.

Why Back links are important?

For optimizing your website various tools and procedures you follow so that your site will be on top of search engine result page but around that tool and procedure one method or one type of promotion for your site i.e Back links.

What is Back links?

Well, basically back links are the inbound links which are link to your website where you have submitted your website.

How it is useful?

Back links is one of the best strategies to optimize your site and increase your page rank. The more the back links you have the high page rank you may get (but content also play an important role in getting high page rank).

How to get back links?

There are many ways to get back links like submitting in directories, article submission by anchor text pointing to your website, press release and adding social networking sites.

You’ve to get quality back links as well i.e if you have a website which of web designing and you are getting back link from any electronics site then it may not be worth because google rely on quality back links which are relevant to your site.

How do I check my back links?

Well you can check your back links by searching on google for back link tools you’ll get several of them. But from my side I’m checking my back links from backlinkwatch, iwebtool, Search engine genie etc. If you want to know your back link you can also type a code i.e “link: ” on google search bar. Well, I’d like to inform you that in google you will never get the whole list of back links because google shows that links which are qualitative and relevant.

Well, so you may be ready to get as much as back links so that you can get high page rank and quality back link with relevant site.

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